Furniture Repair – Four Easy Tips to Repair Your Furniture

Furniture is truly one of the things that make our life easier.  Every type of furniture has a unique look and also requires specific care. If you are not properly care your furniture it may leads to damage and repair. Restoring old furniture is one of the best ways to keep your furniture in a proper condition. Many of them think furniture repair is waste of time, effort and money. But the fact is you can save money when repair it rather than buying a newer one.  Earlier repair is better since it avoid full damage and more money to spend on repair. Here are some of the tips to repair your furniture.


White Rings

Most of the furniture had these white rings because of our daily use. If a white ring appears on a wood table, it is the indication of moisture has become trapped underneath the finish and needs to drawn out. To remove these rings quickly pile table salt on the offending ring or hazy area, then cover it with a towel and warm the area with hot blow dryer or iron set. Check under the tower periodically to see when the rings are disappeared.


Scratched wooden furniture can easily repaired by using cotton swab to apply shoe polish to the scratch then buffing the area with a soft cloth.  Don’t be afraid to mix various shades of shoe polishes to get the suitable color of your finish. You can also different color crayons to match the scratches.


Spilled Candle wax can be removed from a wood table top by letting it cool completely, and the freezing it by applying an ice cube. Once froze, wax can be buff gently scraped off using a butter knife or a rubber spatula. If necessary, you can buff away any residual cloudiness by applying a paste wax to the wood surface.

Hire Furniture Repair Specialist

If you don’t know anything about furniture repair, hire an experience furniture repair specialist. Before hire a furniture repair company check their experience and services offered. Many of the furniture repair company provide quality of repair services at affordable price. They determine the repair charges based on the depth of the repair and size. Also verify their wood working professionals have enough experience and handle all types of tools.